Brand disclaimer image 1

Awiqli® is the first and only once-weekly basal insulin*



Awiqli® (insulin icodec injection) is indicated for: the once-weekly treatment of adults with diabetes mellitus to improve glycemic control.



  • During episodes of hypoglycemia
  • In patients who are hypersensitive to this drug or to any ingredient in the formulation, including any non-medicinal ingredient, or component of the container


Most serious warnings and precautions:

Hypoglycemia is the most common adverse effect of insulin products including Awiqli®. As with all insulin products the timing of hypoglycemia may differ.

  • Glucose monitoring is required.
  • Uncorrected hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic reactions can cause loss of consciousness, coma, and/or death.
  • Switching a patient between another type, brand, or manufacturer of insulin and Awiqli® should be done under medical supervision and may result in the need for a change in dosage. Changes in insulin regimen from other insulins to Awiqli® may result in increased risk of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Awiqli® must not be administered more frequently than once a week.
  • Medication errors have been reported in which patients accidentally administer short-acting insulin instead of basal (long-acting) insulin. Specific attention should be paid when switching from a daily basal insulin to Awiqli®, which is administered weekly.
  • Inspect Awiqli® visually prior to administration and use only if the solution appears clear and colourless.
  • Never mix Awiqli® with any other insulin.
  • Awiqli® must not be used in combination with other long-acting (basal) insulins (e.g., insulin detemir, insulin glargine, or insulin degludec).
  • Never administer Awiqli® by intramuscular (IM) injection, intravenously (IV), or with an insulin infusion pump.



  • Inspect visually prior to administration and use only if the solution appears clear and colourless
  • Do not mix with any other insulin, administer intravenously, administer intramuscularly, or use in insulin infusion pumps
  • For patients requiring a one-time additional dose please refer to the Product Monograph


Other relevant warnings and precautions:

  • Refer to respective product monographs for concomitant oral antidiabetic agents for their warnings and precautions
  • Stress or concomitant illness, especially infections and febrile conditions, may change insulin requirements 
  • Never share an Awiqli® FlexTouch® pen or needle between patients
  • Fluid retention and congestive heart failure with concomitant use of a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma agonist
  • Driving and operating machinery
  • Changes in insulin regimen
  • Hypokalemia
  • Patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction
  • Risk of immune responses (e.g., hypersensitivity reactions, lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis, injection site and local allergic reactions)
  • Antibody production
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Pregnant and nursing women or women of childbearing potential
  • Pediatrics
  • Geriatrics


For more information:

Please consult the Product Monograph here for more information relating to adverse reactions, drug interactions, and dosing information which have not been discussed in this piece.


The Product Monograph is also available by calling us at 1-800-465-4334.


* Comparative clinical significance not established.





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